Why Custom Projects May Be the Best Fit For Your Team

Why Custom Projects May Be the Best Fit For Your Team

No two TPAs work the same way, and neither should your solutions. It’s that simple. That’s why we don’t believe in copy-and-paste solutions – because we’ve been on the other side of the desk, and we see all the reasons an out-of-the-box fix fails. These reasons could include:

  • The added frustration your team deals with when a prefab solution solves only some of your issues.
  • The time wasted going back and forth between workflows because the out-of-the-box solution doesn’t integrate cleanly with your existing process.
  • The energy spent reviewing and crosschecking as different solutions show different results.

These hidden costs add up and make the difference between a tool that works and one that gets tossed to the side.

Instead, of a one-size-fits-all solution, we give you the tools that actually make a difference in your workflow; and if you need a solution that we don’t offer, we will build it for you. In fact, that’s how many of our services got started. For example, when a client’s electronic claim feed was outside of their standard format, JMS tailor-made code to transfer the feed into their system to streamline their payments process.

That’s the beauty of a product that is made for you; you get exactly what you need; nothing more and nothing less.

Many companies will tell you, “This is what we do, and this is how we do it.”

At JMS, we ask, “What do you want, and how can we help you achieve it?”

Getting started with your custom project is as simple as reaching out to JMS today. Whether you’re a current client who has a new challenge or you are looking to start from day one with a custom build, we are excited to get started.